Calling on the Name of the Lord

In this site we would like to examine the simple biblical practice of calling on the name of the Lord*. Its scriptural basis, definition, history, purpose and practice will all be examined.

For millennia men have cried out from the depths of their being to God—whether He was known or unknown to them—in times of trial or delight, in despair or in rejoicing in an attempt to draw near to, communicate with or have a relationship with this omnipotent One. In many cases, they are crying out merely for assistance or to be rescued from trial or disaster. Whatever the motive, this calling out to God is universal; it can be observed around the globe in every culture. Such a resonating cry is universal because it issues from the deepest part within man, his spirit. This practice of calling on the Lord began with the earliest generations of mankind recorded in the Bible.

  1. The Scriptural Basis of Calling on the Lord
  2. The Definition and Significance of Calling on the Lord
  3. The History of Calling on the Name of the Lord
    1. Calling in the Old Testament
    2. Calling on the Lord in the New Testament

  4. The Purpose of Calling on the Name of the Lord
    1. To be saved
    2. To breathe in the Lord
    3. To drink the Lord
    4. To stir up oneself to take hold of the Lord
    5. To enjoy the riches of the Lord
    6. To participate in the Lord’s mercy

  5. How to Call on the Name of the Lord
    1. With an open mouth
    2. With a pure heart
    3. Corporately
    4. Daily
    5. As long as we live
    6. With a pure lip